For the Netherlands
First check whether an order has already been placed with the email address. If not? First place an order before you can create an account.
Have you already placed an order? Then check the following steps:
- Did the email end up in the spam or junk folder?
- Have you entered the correct email address?
- Is the latest version of the app installed?
If none of the above applies, you can try the following:
- Add our email address to your contacts: and
- Please try again later!
For Belgium
First check whether an order has already been placed with the email address. If not? First place an order before you can create an account.
Have you already placed an order? Then check the following steps:
- Did the email end up in the spam or junk folder?
- Have you entered the correct email address?
- Is the latest version of the app installed?
If none of the above applies, you can try the following:
- Add our email address to your contacts: and
- Please try again later!